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King Vanquishes Heenan
The Fight Over in Thirty-Five Minutes

 PORTLAND, Dec.23.-The Jura arrived this morning
with Liverpool dates to the 10th inst.
 The Jura spoke the City of Limerick on the 19th inst.,
bound east; the Damascus, also bound east, on the 21st,
and a steamer on the 22d, off Cape Sable, bound west.
The North American, from Portland, arrived at Liver-
pool on the 9th.
 The steamer City Of London arrived out at Queenstown
on the 8th inst., and the North American at Londonderry
on the same date.
 She brings an account of the great fight between Hee-
nan and King, which took place on the morning of the
10th, at Tunbridge. King won in twenty-five rounds, the
fight having lasted thirty-one minutes. The Times says
there was but little science displayed on either side. Hee-
nan's game throughout seemed to be to close and put the
hug on, so as to crush his antagonist at once by dashing
him violently to the ground. King's tactics were differ-
ent and more creditable. It is rumored that Heenan's
shoulder is broken.

The Fight

 Round 1.- Both trying to measure their distance.
Heenan ran in and closed, grasping King by the neck,
and put on the old-fashion hug, continuing to hold his
man in such a way that the Referee entered the ring and
strictly cautioned him not to repeat the operation in a
similar manner.

 Round 2.- King made fighting as soon as he came to
the scratch. There was some attempt at countering by
both of the most homely description; very wild, and very
plain. Heenan rushed on King; got the hug again, and
threw him, like a sack of malt, on the grass. On the men
being lifted, Heenan was found to be bleeding from the
mouth. First blood was claimed and allowed King.

 Round 3.- After some hard exchanges, Heenan again
put on the hug, and threw King on the ropes with an
awful spank. All was going dead against King but
the first blood.

 Round 4.- King came up with a "mouse" rather visible
under his left eye. They went to work in a manner that
showed the first indication of slashing. Heenan again
running in for the hug. It was obvious that he meant to
fight nothing but a wrestling fight, fists to be only very
subordinate agents in the business. This called forth loud
expressions of disapprobation.

 Round 5.- Both men came up smiling at one another,
and after feeling, King let fly a tremendous right-handed
thunderbolt against Heenan's ear that was heard all over
the ring. King followed up his advantage and launched
a fellow-blow on Heenan's temple. Heenan, in despair
hugged again, and threw his antagonist.

 Round 6.- The sledging business commenced at this
round; both men went ding-dong. Heenan finished
by again putting on the hug; what few hits were ex-
changed were not of the slightest moment upon the issue
of the contest.

 Round 7.- Give and take now became the order of the
day. A few seconds, then more hammering, when Hee-
nan was obliged to fly to his favorite embrace. Caught
King and cross-buttocked him fearfully. People actually
held their breath a moment, and felt relieved when the
men were carried to their corners. During this round
King gave Heenan a rattling sledge-hammer on the
nose with his right, and brought the blood down in a
stream. (Cheers and counter cheers)

 Round 8.- On time being called, both were up, recover-
ing, or backing, or ducking, to get away. Some rapid
countering took place. Heenan went in, when the hug-
ging was brought into action, but this time failing woe-
fully, for King turned the table and floored his antago-

 Round 9.- Both sharp to time. King let out his right,
and struck Heenan, tremendously about the head.
Heenan closed, and threw King again.

 Round 10.- Express speed had now begun in earnest,
King landing out heavily with both fists, and, at a strug-
was thrown.

 Round 11.- Heenan began to show the pace was telling
on him. Coming up, he caught and threw King very
heavily. It sounded like an oxen falling out of a cart.

 Round 12.- Not more than a minute; heavy exchanges
about the head, and Heenan threw King heavily.

 Round 13.- Some heavy countering about the head
on both sides, when Heenan closed, throwing King as

 Round 14.- Heenan met King at the very onset with
a fearful punch from the latter's right hand. Some sharp
belting. A heavy fail for King. Not withstanding all
this throwing advantage, Heenan showed nearly as
much distress as King.

 Round 15.- It was now plainly seen that the rate was
telling powerfully on both men. Some swing raps on each
side. Heenan shot out his right hand with such terrific
effect that King reeled like a drunken man, ultimately
falling in his corner. It was thought that he would not
face the storm again. That was the first genuine knock-
down blow.

 Round 16.- A tolerably good account of work was done,
in which King cut his opponent's right eye, and the
round was finished by a heavy body blow from Heenan
which made King stagger back, and the ground being
slippery he fell down.

 Round 17.- Heenan's fast fighting and throwing began
to tell its own tale upon himself, and he came up piping,
though smiling. Nobbers were exchanged and some
body blows, and in the end, King was again thrown.

 Round 18.- King soon led off, and visited the damaged
eye, and also got on in on the cheek, which riled the Be-
necia boy, who gave him a stinger on the head, closed
and threw him so heavily that it was thought he was out
of time, and it took his seconds sometime before they
could get him around again. Here the Kingites broke
into the ring, and the remainder of the fight was carried
on amidst much disorder. In the confusion we missed
the two succeeding rounds, but they were very short,
and in favor of Heenan. King soon recovered, and im-
mediately afterwards turned the tide of fortune in his
favor, Heenan rapidly and suddenly getting weak.

 Round 21.- By the advice of his seconds King led
off and planted well on the damaged eye and also
on the nose, fetching more blood from both places.
Heenan's returns were short, and King at once closed
with him and threw a regular buster.

 Round 22.- Again did King get well home on the nasal
organ and right peeper, and receiving it in the ribs, closed
and threw Heenan.

 Round 23.- Heenan came up quite groggy, and his
heart seemed to be failing him, for when King once more
planted a straight one on the mouth, he appeared quite
perplexed and helpless. He tried to plant his left but did
not reach. After some sharp in-fighting, he was again
flung heavily to mother earth, and when picked up was
nearly senseless.

 Round 24.- No sooner were they at the scratch again
than King again visited his mug, and knocked the Boy
clear off his pins.

 Round 25, and last.- Sayers roused Heenan with cold
water, and got him once more in the face of King, but the
latter again planted on the mouth and flung him almost
senseless to the ground. This was a settier, for when
Heenan tried to leave his corner for another round he
was a helpless child, and amidst shouts of shame,
shame, to allow him to come up again, MacDonald gave
in for him.

 On the arrival of Heenan in London, he received the
best of medical attendance, and although his bruises and
contusions were found to be very severe, none of his
bones were broken and he had received no internal in-
jury. His head exhibited a most ghastly appearance.
His old lip wounds had reopened, and his eyes were near-
ly closed.



JANUARY 14, 1864

Historic boxing newspapers and articles.