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The American

For the Norwich Subscription Purse of 100 guin-
eas, between Painter and Oliver

_ On Monday, North Walshan had to boast of
as much talent as ever was assembled in one
place. Tom Cribb nutted himself in being at
the head of men of talent, without either form
or deputy. - His forces were the phenomenon
Randall, Belcher, Turner, Shelton, Martin, and
all those who had bled on Moulsey Flat, and
gratified the taste of the admirers of courage,
and the English way of settling trifling disputes.
_ Norwich vies with London in patronizing
these athletic sports, and many females off re-
spectable appearance attended. So great an
assemblage present our informant never witnes-
sed before. The guess at number was 30,000
persons. The number of vehicles from Nor-
wich alone amounted, according to the prying
information of a blacksmith at half the distance
to Walsham. Yarmouth, Cromer, and the
towns within 20 and 30 miles around, poured
in their lots. As to the men, Painter has
lately turned publican at Norwich, and is re-
pected. He was beat by Oliver at Shepper-
ton Range some years since, when both men
were stronger, but were mere novices in sci-
ence. Oliver won that fight, but he was much
punished, although trained by captain Barclay.
Betting 5 to 4 on Painter, who weighed 13st.
4lb. and Oliver 12st. 8lb. The ring of 24 feet
was formed in excellent style.


_ 1. Much caution was used before the com
batants met, and some masterly attitudes excit-
ed admiration. Oliver made a scientific parry
of Painter's heavy hitting right hand. They
broke away, and Painter placed a flush right
handed hit upon the jaw, and in closing got
Oliver's head confined with his left arm, and had
a good weaving match at him; but Oliver broke
from his hold, and some counter hits were ex-
changed. Painter gave his head inclining for-
ward for Oliver to make play, and in trying for
a left handed hit upon the head, Oliver received
two blows, and in struggling for the throw Oli-
ver won it, but Painter had decidedly the best
of the round, and the uproarious applause of the
country people could be heard miles off.
_ 2. Oliver placed a smart left handed hit upon
his adversary's body, and Painter showed first
blood on the side of the nose, from the struggle
in the former round, which lasted 12 minutes. -
Oliver parried Painter's right hand again, and
returned upon the throat with the left hand, when
some courageous fighting, bull-dog fasion took
place, but Painter fought shy, and seemed to
depend upon his heavy right hand. Oliver pla-
ced blows left and right upon Painter's head.
A rally followed, and counter-hits were ex-
changed, when Painter got his adversary's head
again under his left arm, and administered some
punishment, and got Oliver suspended across
the lower rope of the ring, and let him go down
without hitting him. - 2 to 1 on Painter.
_ 3. Oliver placed a tremendous right-handed
blow upon his adversary's head, which hit him
away, and set the balls of his eyes in extra mo-
tion, and threw him in a close. - Betting as at
the commencement.
_ 4. A gallant round, in which much skill was
displayed, but Painter appeared thick-winded at
the onset. He gave his head again to induce
Oliver to make a play, and was creeping his left
foot on to get it behind Oliver's right, to place
his formidable right-hand blow, in which he
succeeded; but Oliver returned upon him, and
had the best of in-fighting, but the worst of the
weaving close again. Oliver gave Painter first
knock-down blow with his right hand upon the
head, and betting was even.
_ 5. Oliver placed a left handed blow upon the
head, and a daring fighting round followed, in
which Painter placed one of his right-handed
muzzlers, which stupified his antagonist for the
moment. No better courage could be shown,
and the give and take game was the order of
fighting to every part of the ring, until both
were tired, and Oliver was thrown.
_ 6. Both distressed for wind, sparred at re-
spectful distance until they had partially recov-
ered, when Oliver placed a heavy left-handed
blow upon his adversary's eye, and a close fol-
lowed, in which Oliver had the worst, and both
went down.
_ 7. Both were down again much distressed.
_ 8. Painter's right ogle was nearly darkened,
but they turned loose at each other again with
great gallantry, and Painter floored his antag-
onist by a heavy blow behind the ear.
_ 9. Oliver placed two good blows upon his ad-
versart's head in this round, and Painter ap-
peared the most distressed of the two, and had
lost his strength of hitting from loss of wind, and
in closing both were down, Painter under; and Oliver
was back to win at 5 and 6 to 4.
_ 10. Both were so much distressed, that in ad-
vancing towards each other they dropped their
hands as if conscious of their inability to hurt
each other. When they did get to work, some
slaughtering took place, and at the close Oliver
went down from the effect of his own blow.
_ 11. This was the last round, and rather ad-
ruptly terminated the battle in 54 minutes. -
Oliver went to work with much desperation,
although bleeding freely from the nose, but
Painter's head showed most punishishment, and
both temples had nearly stopped his sight. Oliver
had the best of the first part of the round, but
he received a heavy hit in a close upon the tem-
ple, which floored him, and he could not come
again to time, and the denial was a welcome
omen to the conqueror, Painter, whose exist-
ence was at stake.
_ A second battle for a purse of 50 guineas,
between Martin and the Birmingham youth
(Sampson) was won by Martin in 40 minutes.
Sampson was beat by superior strength, and it
was by no means a good fight.



Historic boxing newspapers and articles.